
Friday, December 19, 2014

Tips for Staying Healthy in Nursery School

No one wants to get sick. Nonetheless, colds run rampant in nursery schools across the country each year. Below are some tips that will help teachers and students fend off germs all winter long.

Keep It Clean: A cleanly environment is less likely to become infested with germs than a dirty one. Cleaning the classroom at the end of each school day wipes the slate clean for the next day. Be sure to clean all desks, tables, door knobs and computer keyboards.

Keep Your Hands To Yourself: Sharing is an important concept for children to learn. However, children do not need to share their germs with one another. Children should keep their hands to themselves. Here are a few more ways to prevent germs from spreading:
  • Children should cough or sneeze into their elbows, not their hands. 
  • Avoid touching your face during the school day.
  • Teach children to wash their hands with warm water throughout the day.
Keep Drinking Water: Staying hydrated can improve your overall health. On the other hand, dehydration can compromise your immune system and increase your chances of getting sick.

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